Monday, 3 August 2009

Designer Thoughtfulness, Italian Food and the Greatest Question of our Time…

There are myriad debates that will rumble on into eternity: The Beatles or The Stones ? Christianity or Islam ? Socialism or Capitalism?

This week I want to tackle the greatest of them all: Fresh Pasta or a New Handbag ?

That Chanel and Bertorelli might not be the most common of bed fellows I will readily concede. Nor could I claim that one is a practical substitute for the other since even the most devout fahionista is unlikely to match their new Jimmy Choos with a sack of durum wheat before they flounce into Cipriani or the like.

No, what I want to get to understand, nay prove, is that something as simple as a quickly thrown together home cooked dinner costing a few quid from the local store is worth far more than any offering from Rodeo Drive.

I happen to be sitting on Rodeo Drive right now. I’m sipping on an organic soy milk frappe-something-or-other witnessing American consumerism in action. And though the constant stream of stick thin perfect 10’s with day-glo dentistry and perma tan legs seem happy with their recent purchases; you just know they secretly yearn for the carbohydrate laden indulgence of a good bowl of penne.

Last week the debate came to a head when I met Lisa and Haley who run London’s elite introduction service Elect Club. Having almost received a mortal head wound from aforesaid Chanel handbag I proposed an experiment on a scale arguably comparable to the Large Hadron Collider – get their male members into the kitchen to prove that fresh pasta could take down Coco’s finest.

So this week’s video is a simple guide to a three course Italian meal that even the most kitchen-averse could handle. And the results of the debate ? Well that’s for you to decide. Guys: what reaction did you get ? Girls: would you really prefer this season’s Louboutin’s to your boyfriend’s seasonal cooking ? We might not solve world peace today but at least we can tick this conundrum off our list…

*** Comments Below - let the debate begin...! ***