Saturday, 16 May 2009

The beginning of the journey...

Ever since I was knee-high to a grasshopper I have been obsessed with food. In the early years it was a pretty basic case of just eating as much of the stuff as possible which inevitably ended up in me being the porkiest kid in kindegarden, but in later life it became more about that magical culinary alchemy known as cooking.

Over the years I've scraped together knowledge from every available source - books, tv and anyone who was willing to pass on their skills ... its a journey in every sense given that one of the greatest inspirations has always been travelling ... whether it be France, Tokyo, Hong Kong or California its always the food that sticks out in my mind.

Nowadays I get invited to a lot of dinner parties - its nice to be invited and of course I always say yes, but nowadays the host always seems to exclaim "Great ! So what are you going to cook ?"

I love it though - food has that unique ability like nothing else to please, inspire and unite - so with that in mind I've started this blog... I always thought the idea of a blog was slightly narcissistic and self-indulgent - I mean who cares what Patrick has to say about anything ?

Well hopefully if you share my passion for food then some of what I have to say will whet your appetite ... for me its actually a practical exercise... I'm forever messing around with recipes only to forget how I've made something so for the most part this blog is an aide memoire (culinaire) .... here's to a journey full of great food and great company at the end of which we arrive sated in every imaginable sense...


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