Sunday, 30 January 2011

New Year's Resolutions, The Iliad and a Bowl of Sunday Soup

I'm not gonna' lie - when Sunday night rolls around and the whiff of a Firezza Pizza and a slab of Banoffee Pie is luring me, Odysseus-like, upon its calorific rocks its pretty hard to say no.  But then the oh so small voice of reason kicks in and reminds me that there's one more day left in January so I may as well "work the program" as Betty Ford may have put it...

Now when it comes to healthy eating the generally held view is that 1) its a pain in the arse to make and 2) in all likelihood its not going to be armour-plated in either melted cheese, or chocolate. Or both.

Whilst the shareholders of McDonalds have been furiously working on this conspiracy theory since 1940 my trip to Tesco's this evening pulled a pretty major hole in their argument.  Enter a £1.99 bag of pre-cut carrot, swede and potato.  Y'see the Covent Garden Soup Company cottoned on to this trick pretty early - take pretty much any random vegetable, cook it up in a bit of stock, season and blend and suddenly you've got a steaming bowl of liquidised awesomeness in the same time it takes to read a copy of the Metro.

For this recipe I had a bunch of (relatively) fresh coriander hiding out in the back of my fridge but if you're feeling particularly pimp then you could throw in a bit of chilli and even warm it up with a pinch of garam massala.  Safe.


P.S. watch out for next week's video "Patrick Eats a Stuffed Crust Pizza".

P.P.S. clearly it does not take 15 minutes to read Metro, unless you live in Rajasthan and don't speak English.  In which case it still only takes 13.

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